Building Freedom For The AI Era

We help professionals & entrepreneurs with education,
tools and services to create an online income in the AI era.

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Using Our Group Method, Our Community Is Growing Rapidly:

0 +
Online Income Created By Students
$ 0 K+
$ 0 +

Meet The Founders

From humble beginnings with just a laptop, a few dollars in their bank accounts, and an unwavering belief in their mission, Masa and Miguel have grown new925™ into a beacon of innovation and education.

In just a few short years, they’ve transformed their understanding of technology and digital strategies into a multi-million dollar educational platform.

Together, they’ve crafted over 40 online courses, three of which have generated multiple 7-figure revenues, touching the lives of tens of thousands of people across more than 50 countries. Their success is measured not just in financial terms but in the countless stories of students who’ve built thriving businesses, achieved personal growth, and found a new lease on life through their teachings.

Explore new925™

Learn and Earn in the program that’s redefined success for its members

Master digital strategies and AI with new925™ ACADEMY to generate online income. We provide step-by-step guidance, comprehensive training, and exclusive software, preparing you to thrive in the digital era.

Join The Program That Has Generated
Over $500K For Its Clients

“This is a quote extracted from the video testimonial.”

“This is a quote extracted from the video testimonial.”

“This is a quote extracted from the video testimonial.”

“This is a quote extracted from the video testimonial.”

“This is a quote extracted from the video testimonial.”

“This is a quote extracted from the video testimonial.”